Collins International Co., Ltd. was founded in 1990 and is a division of Collins Group (a public company in Taiwan), this company handles all USA & Canada markets. It provides its customers with sourcing of parts & finished products from reliable factories of Asia.
Collins Co., Ltd. is a multi-national, decently diversified, and stocked listed corporation. Based in Taipei, Taiwan and founded in 1969, the corporation has well expended its business sales finance. Besides, it also steps into operation of garment manufacturing, entertainment, furniture manufacturing, and production of 3C components. Moreover, its long-term capital investment even involves industries of banking, financial security services, hi-tech production, construction and venture capital. With NTD 7.9 billion asset, Collins generated turnover of 8.5 billion in 1999. In the aggregate of itself and its 100% owned subsidiaries, the corporation currently has 100 retail points, over 1200 employees, and 30 branches offices distributed all over the world.